Maintaining Artificial Grass

Maintaining a lawn requires extensive work, from dealing with drought conditions to turf diseases, pests and soil health concerns – it’s no wonder residents have turned towards artificial grass as a solution.

artificial grass AdelaideFake grass not only saves on water consumption, but it is also non-toxic and allergen-free – an invaluable asset during drought. Plus, homeowners using fake turf can comply with strict water restrictions by installing this artificial lawn on their properties.

Low Maintenance

Artificial grass doesn’t need to be fertilised or treated with chemicals and pesticides; however, it requires proactive care to remain pristine. Routinely sweeping with a stiff-bristle brush or power broom will eliminate dirt build-up and matting, while regular hose-off cleanings should help avoid algae or moss growth. Furthermore, furniture should never be pulled over artificial grass Adelaide as this could tear out turf fibres, potentially pulling away fibres.

Stains on artificial lawns are inevitable, whether from children, pets or someone who continually spits gum in your backyard. Removing them quickly to prevent them from setting in and becoming harder to clean later is key; for severe stains, hot water and detergent may be needed for maximum effectiveness.

Autumn can be challenging for artificial grass as leaves and debris pile onto its surface, necessitating regular cleaning with either a blower or rake to clear away. Hedge trimming may also help limit how much falls onto your lawn; regularly trimming hedges is also effective at controlling debris. Before winter hits, any remaining leaf piles or debris that could turn into snowballs should also be cleared to reduce snowball formation.

No Chemicals

Artificial grass, or synthetic turf, has quickly become the surface of choice where natural lawns used to be found. From college football fields and soccer fields at neighbourhood schools to professional athletes’ bodies, artificial turf has often replaced natural lawns. Unfortunately, synthetic turf has also been linked with health issues like cancer and chronic skin problems among former players; particularly its component Crumb Rubber which contains lead (eurotoxic!) and Cadmium along with 4-10 gallons of petroleum products per acre as well as various chemicals like dibenzopyrenes among its main constituents Crumb rubber makes up its main contaminant component, crumb rubber made up by recycled tires but its main offending ingredient: it contains Crumb Rubber from recycled tires made up by-product contaminated recycled tire crumb rubber is responsible for these health effects; similarly to most other sports surfaces it also contains 4-10 gallons per acre petroleum products including dibenzopyrenes;

Most artificial grass manufacturers now utilise safer materials in their extrusions of artificial grass products, and while food, pet, and oil stains will happen from time to time on your fake lawn, prompt cleaning will keep them from leaving permanent marks behind. Blotting any liquid that spills onto it quickly using kitty litter or another dry absorbent and washing with hot soapy water are effective strategies; for stubborn spots that remain, the solvent may also help. When selecting artificial grass products, always look for ones without PFAS labels for extra peace of mind.

No Weeds

No matter how well-maintained artificial grass Adelaide may be, weeds still can sneak through seams and edges, although this occurs less frequently than with natural lawns.

If you notice a weed, the best thing to do is quickly eliminate it before its roots take hold. Rake, brush or compost should do the trick. For larger weeds or infestations, use herbicide or contact killer.

However, these chemicals can be toxic to pets and children. Instead of opting for chemical weed killers that remain effective but dangerously toxic for both parties involved, try opting for homemade solutions which are both cost-effective yet safer – like boiling water over the weeds, pouring it directly over them or mixing vodka with water to spray on them – alcohol dehydrates weeds leaving them dehydrated until eventually killing them off – much safer than systemic weed killers who remain active for months after application and may poison other plants as well.

No Pests

Artificial grass does not contain roots, turf fibres, or other organic materials that attract bugs; as such, bug-munching moles will find little sustenance to feast upon in your synthetic putting green and mosquitoes will no longer breed in any standing puddles of rainwater.

Artificial turf also makes your yard less appealing to pests like rabbits, mice, gophers and field mice that seek an inviting habitat to chew, dig and nest in. However, once these predatory species arrive in your yard, they’ll quickly discover that artificial turf isn’t their cup of tea!

Turf can help keep fleas at bay, as these pests can be very annoying to animals and dangerous if they latch onto fur and legs. Fleas require dirt burrowing for shelter, food to consume and vegetation pollination for their survival – none of which are possible on artificial grass lawns. Your synthetic lawn should also become less inviting for insects, thus decreasing their population and eliminating the need for expensive chemical insecticides. Stains should also be easier to remove as their resilient materials will repel most liquids, such as pet mess and coffee, which can easily be washed off using hot soapy water. In contrast, more difficult stains like crayons or motor oil may require more effort but can often be lifted with grease removers.

No Waste

Artificial turf offers an ideal way to save water while being mindful of our limited supply, yet it requires cleaning and upkeep on an ongoing basis. Stains, spills, and pet waste can be issued to deal with regularly. Still, these do not need to be as serious if used with appropriate products – helping users save water and resources in our limited supply.

Stains on artificial grass Adelaide can often be removed using the same household cleaners you would use on carpets and upholstery, with spills cleaned up immediately to avoid staining and solid pet waste removed with a pooper scooper or plastic bag. Rinsing regularly with water from a garden hose may also help keep it hygienic while helping prevent any unpleasant odours from developing in your yard.

Certain spills such as battery acid, grease, lubricants and motor oil can discolour artificial turf. In minimising exposure to these substances, it’s wise to relocate smoking, grilling and fireworks activities away from your fake lawn if possible.